Tuesday, June 30, 2009

does kenya have leaders!!

Humanitarian actors observed World Environment Day on 5 June by highlighting the humanitarian impact of climate change on already vulnerable populations in Kenya, and noting emerging non traditional beneficiary groups. Immediate impacts of climate change observed are poor crop production and increased food insecurity, pastoralist drop-outs, water scarcity, social conflicts caused by struggle for resources, increased natural disasters like floods & drought, migration. Some challenges noted in addressing some of the issues include lack of legislative policies to address climate change, poor funding, short term interventions that fail to link humanitarian operations to long term development initiatives.
The Government of Kenya and the African Development Bank concluded an agreement for a grant worth 1.5 billion KSH to help addressing disaster related issue as a consequence of the post election violence. The resources will be used to construct houses.
The question is, when will our leaders stop just saying and instead act, people are suffering out here!!


Denis said...

Kenya does not have leaders. What we have are fellows who have mastererd the art of 'talk'. Kenyans are basically carried away by sweet words or lies. They realize it when its already too late................Allow me to let you in on something-----THE NOGOS AND HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATIONS ARE NO BETTER.

Brinne said...

These fellows have no idea that we are suffering. they are totally leaving in their own world further from the common mwananchi.